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RSS Feed

RSS Feed
RSS is a common way for websites to broadcast news on the Internet. Most large news service sites offer it as a way for other sites to display their news.

RSS offers you you a way to include latest industry news on your website. Keep in mind that they will link back to the providing site. (So it's really a way for the news sites to pull in more traffic - and potentially pull visitors away from your site.)

Finding RSS Feeds
The easiest way to find an RSS you might want to display is to surf the web. Try going to a search engine and type a topic and RSS. (for example, "CNN RSS"). This will usually return a page with RSS files. Or, you may already have a site that you go to regularly. Check to see if they have an RSS feed.

Either way, you need to get the complete address right down to a specific file. It will probably look like these (from the CNN site).

http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_topstories.rss - Top Stories
http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_tech.rss - Technology

Note: Some sites use a slightly different file name (such as http://samplesite.com/latest-news-rss.xml). Others require you to sign up and agree to a Terms of Use page.

Adding the RSS Feed to Your Site
To display the RSS, create an RSS page on your site, give the page a title/name and a description. (The title is used for links to this page and displayed at the top of the page. The Description is used only when linking to this page. It gives a short blurb about the page.) You can also add text. Paste the address of the RSS feed and hit save. You should see a list of news stories on your page.

Advanced Techniques - GetHTML
Advanced users may want to include RSS feeds using a GetHTML call. This allows it to be used in Frameworks or in the text of almost any of regular page templates. For example this call would automatically insert the following html into your site anywhere it is used:

<gethtml data="rss" src="http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_topstories.rss"/>

See Also:
Online Documentation Home, Invisible Gold Quick Tour, Template Library, Users and Groups, Shopping Cart, Mailing Lists, Uploading Images, Traffic, Approvals, Banner Ads, Login/Logout, Email Newsletters, Advanced Button, Moving Pages, System View, Security, System Settings, Hosting Invisible Gold Powered Websites, Generate a PayPal Client ID, Terms, Useful HTML Guide, Private Client Areas

Templates, RSS, Gethtml