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Your Website Should Be Easy to Edit

Site Search

Site Search
The Site Search template creates pages that search all or part of the rest of the site. Other than specifying where the search will occur, it doesn't require any setup other than creating a search page.

Edit Options
The Search Template is very similar to other pages. You create it and give title/name, description, and text.

Other options are the ID where searches will start, and how deep they can go. For the entire site, you would set ID to "/" (without the quotes).

Levels can be set as low as you want for performance. If it is 1, then only the children of the top page will be searched. If it is 3, it will search the top page's children, their children, and their grandchildren.

Button Text is simply the text on the button that users click to start the search.

Using the Search Page
Visitors use the search page by typing in some text (like a search engine), and getting a list of results it returns a list.

Keep in mind that searching for "house painters" will only find pages that have all of those words in that order. It will not find pages with only the word "house" or "house painter".

Also, large sites might return a very long list of pages.

Advanced Options
Advanced users can use the Site Search template in other ways. For example, if you can create a form in your site somewhere else (using basic html), then you can make it work with this template.

All you need to do is send a form with a text input field called "search" to a Site Search page. For example, the following HTML would accomplish this:

<form method="get" action="http://samplesite.com/sitesearch/default.htm">
<input type="text" name="search">
<input type="submit" value="search">

Feel free to add your own html or javascript and include it in various parts of your site. (for example at the top of the banner on all pages.)

GetHTML Options
Advanced users also have the option of creating a GetHTML call that returns search results. This is more useful for things like custom search pages that return results from multiple places. For example, you may have a member directory and want to return member pages first, and then general news stories second in the results.

You could also place the gethtml tag right in the body of a page. This would simply display the results right there and provide no way of interactivity.

<gethtml data="search" id="/system/mailinglists/directory/" mode="default" object="default"/>

See Also:
Online Documentation Home, Invisible Gold Quick Tour, Template Library, Users and Groups, Shopping Cart, Mailing Lists, Uploading Images, Traffic, Approvals, Banner Ads, Login/Logout, Email Newsletters, Advanced Button, Moving Pages, System View, Security, System Settings, Hosting Invisible Gold Powered Websites, Generate a PayPal Client ID, Terms, Useful HTML Guide, Private Client Areas

Templates, Search