
The Approvals system allows you to monitor content changes to your website. It is included in the Multi-User and Advanced Commerces licenses and is designed primarily for use in Discussion Lists and when various users can maintain their own pages.

Note: It only tracks changes submitted by Users that don't have Modify (Security) Rights. This means that content changes by yourself or other Administrators will not be tracked. It also means that you won't see changes submitted by Users that have Modify (Security) Rights to their own pages.

Using the Approvals System
Approvals works by keeping a list of pages that have been Edited, Created, or had an Image Uploaded. You can click on the Approvals button on the left to see the list.

The list includes a link to each page, the type of page, a link to the User that made the change (Author), the date it was updated, and links to Approve or Delete the page. Deleting it deletes the page and all of its children. Approving it simply takes it off the Approvals list and makes it viewable.

There are also buttons at the bottom of the page to Approve All items or Approve Selected (those checked).

While you may want to simply Approve all changes by certain users, in most cases you will want to review many of the submitted changes. Click on the Approvals page, and then click on the first page to be reviewed. If it looks good, you can click the Approve button at the top of the page (near Security and System). This will approve the page and take you back to the Approvals list. You may also want to click on an Author's name to review who they are.

System Settings
There is one System Setting that affects the Approvals System. One option is to show all pages until they are approved. The other option hides pages until they are approved. Keep in mind that hiding them will effectively take a page off of your site until it is approved.

Note: These settings also affect all users. Authors are notified that the change was submitted and is awaiting Adminitrator approval.

Note: Users can always see the pages they have submitted. Thus, they can review and continue to make changes up until the point you approve them.

Approve Button
The Approve Button at the top of a page indicates that it is awaiting approval. When you go to a page that is awaiting approval, the Approve button will be blue and clickable. If a page has been approved, it will be grayed out.

When you click the button, the page will be approved and you will be taken to the Approvals page that lists all other pages awaiting approval.

See Also:
Online Documentation Home, Invisible Gold Quick Tour, Template Library, Users and Groups, Shopping Cart, Mailing Lists, Uploading Images, Traffic, Approvals, Banner Ads, Login/Logout, Email Newsletters, Advanced Button, Moving Pages, System View, Security, System Settings, Hosting Invisible Gold Powered Websites, Generate a PayPal Client ID, Terms, Useful HTML Guide, Private Client Areas

Users, Groups, Registration, Approvals, Login, Security