Uploading Images

Uploading Images
It is easy to upload images and files to your Invisible Gold website. You can upload an image anywhere you see the "Click To Upload Image" box.

Once an image is uploaded, you can change its size, position, and add a caption.

Images must be in either .jpg, .gif, or .png format. Flash .swf files are also usable starting with version 2.9.

Note: Although the website will scale your images, you'll need to resize and/or compress them before uploading. This will save time and make the website run faster. Make sure your images are no larger than 1024x768 with a file size of 200KB or less. To compress your image files, use the "Save for Web" feature in Adobe Photoshop, or use Jpeg wizard ( http://www.jpegwizard.com )

Using the Upload Page
After clicking the "Upload" button, click Browse to navigate your computer files and select an image to upload. Next, click the Upload button to send the file to the server.

Note: Contact your Host or Web Designer if the file seems to have trouble uploading. It could be either the wrong type of image (should be a GIF or JPG image), or the server could be configured to not allow large files to be uploaded.

Image Properties
Once an image is on your website, you can change its size, position, and type a caption. Some templates restrict some of these options. (For example, you cannot set the position of an image in a slideshow, but you can set the caption.)

Note: For animated GIF files, you must set the size to "don't resize" if you want it to animate.

The position is relative to the text on the page. Top goes above the text (centered at the top). Left and Right have the text wrapped around the image. Bottom is centered below the text.

Click to Expand allows the website visitor to click on the image to see a larger version.

See Also:
Online Documentation Home, Invisible Gold Quick Tour, Template Library, Users and Groups, Shopping Cart, Mailing Lists, Uploading Images, Traffic, Approvals, Banner Ads, Login/Logout, Email Newsletters, Advanced Button, Moving Pages, System View, Security, System Settings, Hosting Invisible Gold Powered Websites, Generate a PayPal Client ID, Terms, Useful HTML Guide, Private Client Areas

Upload, Image Properties