
Please send us a list of any terms you are confused about. We'll give a definition on this page. (Which will also link to pages with more information.)

A "look" or design for your website created by a web designer in HTML using commons tools like Macromedia DreamWeaver with a few special tags. A site can have multiple frameworks for different sections. They can also be changed quickly so a site can evolve its look without impacting the content.

Frameworks are found in the /Frameworks directory and can be changed by logging in as an administrator and clicking on Advanced. The most common are home.htm and default.htm.

This is a command that can be inserted into page content, a framework, or a template to display information. It can pull a random list of pages, or specific information such as creating a navigation bar.

Every page on an Invisible Gold powered site has a sortkey. It is a number that is used to order pages. (for example the items in a navigation bar.)

A page type. These give fuctionality such as calendars, discussion lists, and more. A template is written in XSL and takes more skill than creating a Framework. Invisible Gold starts with a library of templates you can use. There are also custom templates written for individual sites.

See Also:
Online Documentation Home, Invisible Gold Quick Tour, Template Library, Users and Groups, Shopping Cart, Mailing Lists, Uploading Images, Traffic, Approvals, Banner Ads, Login/Logout, Email Newsletters, Advanced Button, Moving Pages, System View, Security, System Settings, Hosting Invisible Gold Powered Websites, Generate a PayPal Client ID, Terms, Useful HTML Guide, Private Client Areas