System Settings

System Settings
System Settings give you access to make changes to the way your website works. Unlike the content on individual pages, this refers to the Email, Shopping Cart, Login Page, and Search Engine values.

Modify the System Settings by logging in as An Administrator and clicking on the System button at the top of the page. Next, click on the link "Modify System Settings."

The first section of System Settings gives access to options available in almost every Invisible Gold license.

The Title is the text shown on every page of the site (way up at the top of the browser window).

The Splash Page ID can be used to set a different starting page. Given a value such as "/features/", the website will start on that page.

The Login/Passwords section has several options covered better in the Login/Logout section. (links are available on the Login page)

There is an option to turn on Banner Ads for websites that have a license that supports it.

The Approvals System determines what happens when a user (other than an Administrator) adds or edits a page. If the option is not disabled, there will be a button in the Administration interface that lists all pages that haven't been "approved" yet. The two options here determine if these pages are visible to the public or not. For more information read about the Approvals system.

Note: In 2.8+ or earlier versions, there is an option for Caching which can greatly improve the performance of your site. Keep it turned on, unless you are uploading files through FTP or modifying files on the server directly. (Caching increases performance to be 60x as fast by storing pages and partially rendered sections of pages in memory.)

For 2.9 and newer, it is turned on by default.

Shopping Cart
The Shopping Cart has MANY options that can be set in the System Settings. For more information, go to the Shopping Cart pages.

The Email settings let you specify a POP3 or SMTP server for outgoing email. Note that you have the option to specifiy the Port, but it is almost always left blank.

Second, specify a Login and Password for sending outgoing email on this email server.

The next three values allow you to specify email addresses for the site administrator (used for contact us emails), the newsletter administrator (used for email newsletter system), and the orders administrator (used by the shopping cart).

The last option is very important. It determines whether emails are sent immediately when requested. This should always be set to Send As Visitors Load Pages. One exception is if this machine has its own email server, or perhaps if there is a LAN connection to an email server. Otherwise, emails should be sent as pages are loaded from the site. This is slower, but much more reliable.

Note: Emails seem to send slow at times. The basic system sends a single page for every page loaded by a visitor. For a site that sends 1000 pages per day, the theoretical limit is 1000 emails per day. In practice the level is lower.

Meta Tags
The last option lets you set Meta Tags for the site. Contact your website designer if search engine rank is important to you. Your Invisible Gold website is optimized for search engine placement and will work well with an online marketing campaign, but you can add keyworks and a description here if you wish.

See Also:
Online Documentation Home, Invisible Gold Quick Tour, Template Library, Users and Groups, Shopping Cart, Mailing Lists, Uploading Images, Traffic, Approvals, Banner Ads, Login/Logout, Email Newsletters, Advanced Button, Moving Pages, System View, Security, System Settings, Hosting Invisible Gold Powered Websites, Generate a PayPal Client ID, Terms, Useful HTML Guide, Private Client Areas

Settings, Shopping Cart, Search Engines, Newsletters, Email, Users