
Creating Invisible Gold powered sites is quite different than a plain HTML sites. There is a strong separation of Content, Code, and Design. This means that your client can be making changes to the content of pages without affecting the design. You can change the layout and font, and then upgrade the site to a new version of Invisible Gold later on.

A new site can start with two projects at the same time. One is the empty site running on Invisible Gold. Here you can rough out the page structure, encourage the client to start working on the content, and verify that the site is working. The other project is working on the design mockups. At some point you will merge the two.

On larger projects, you also want to plan any Custom Templates and start working on them as early as possible. Get copies of any databases that need to be merged, etc. Each project is different so it's hard to determine which will be done first.

However, it works well to get the client using the site as soon as possible. Their involvement ultimately determines the schedule...avoid having clients start working on the site when the project is nearly complete and you'll avoid a late list of changes that need to be made.

See Also:
Online Documentation Home, Advanced: Using Drop Down Menus With Calendars, New CSS Menus, Overview, Directory Structure, Frameworks, Custom Templates, Web Designer Tip: Customize the Page Title, Creating Drop Down Menus, GetHTML Tags

Authoring, Templates, Frameworks