Online Strategies

Online Strategies
Hi, I hope you are enjoying the Spring weather.

The big news this month is that you can now buy Invisible Gold User Manuals. The first two books are available for 2.91. However, we'll update them for a new version of our software (2.95) due out in two weeks. (It includes several new features and is in testing right now.)

The Environmental Protection Agency recognized us as an EPA Green Partner for our committment to run on 100% renewable energy. (Yes, this web page and all of the websites on this server are powered by wind.) We'll be happy to provide a logo that you can include on your website.

Finally, we're watching the weather for the 18th Annual Tour De Sol gas mileage rally this weekend. Wish us luck as we strive for 88 mpg and the $10,000 prize.

As always, I hope this newsletter finds you well.

John Waiveris,
Invisible Gold, LLC.

PS: If you would prefer to not receive this newsletter, please scroll to the bottom and unsubscribe.

Product Manuals
Product Manuals
We are offering printed manuals to go along with your Invisible Gold powered site. You can place orders online at Lul

The Devil's Gear
The Devil's Gear
This has to be the ultimate honor as a web designer. A client painted their store to match the website that we created


Tahoe Adventure Company Pushes Renewable Energy
Tahoe Adventure Company Pushes Renewable Energy
Lake Tahoe, California - May 1st, 2006 - Better known for nature exploring adventures, Tahoe Adventure Company supports

Making A Difference One Gallon of Gas at a Time.
Making A Difference One Gallon of Gas at a Time.
John Waiveris is a local business owner on a mission to help people benefit from new technology. His web design company, Invisible Gold, was founded on the idea that people should be able to manage their own website. It was also founded on the idea that we can take better care of the environment with simple decisions that may actually save money.

This past month, Invisible Gold was recognized as an EPA Green Power Partner for their commitment to run on 100% renewable energy . It's a relatively new thing here in Connecticut, but a client in California required it. After cutting energy needs, they purchased Green Credits to ensure all of the electricity comes from renewable wind power.

The next step is to showcase some of the things they've been doing.

May 11th-13th, John and his team will be competing in the 18th annual Tour De Sol Green Car Show and Competition. In an efficiency competition, cars will cover a 200 mile course vying for $10,000 in prizes. The competition is open to hybrid electric and biofuel cars, and divided into different categories. For weekly updates about the team and the competition, visit . You can read about the competition at .

With gas prices changing every week, it made sense to take a look at new car technology. Last fall the company bought a hybrid electric car that gets 70 miles per gallon.

"I bought a Honda Insight knowing that it was a safe, proven technology and 3 times as efficient as my last car." John Waiveris.