Creating Invisible Gold Powered Websites

Creating Invisible Gold Powered Websites
This section is for experienced web designers. Invisible Gold is designed to work with the tools that you already know how to use such as Macromedia Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage.

On the other hand, it assumes at least a basic comfort with modifying the source code of an HTML page. Creating a site involves adding special tags and transferring files to and from the server.

The benefit of building Invisible Gold powered sites is that it puts clients in control of their own content. It frees you to work with other clients or build larger, more powerful sites. Second, it allows you to focus on design and marketing.

Advanced: Using Drop Down Menus With Calendars
This tip extends the normal drop down menu technique to include upcoming calendar events.
New CSS Menus
Creating Invisible Gold powered sites is quite different than a plain HTML sites. There is a strong separation of Content, Code, and Design. This means that...
Directory Structure
Creating sites usually involves uploading them to the server, or perhaps making changes right to the files themselves. There are a few things you should know first.
A Framework defines the "look" of an Invisible Gold powered site. There can be several, and it makes sense to evolve the Frameworks over time. Each page can have its own, or inherit the one from its parent. If none are chosen, one in a directory called "default" is used.
Custom Templates
The entire Invisible Gold system is built using XML and XSL. This is a technology that works very similarly to databases. (Actually modern databases all are moving toward outputting XML.)...
Web Designer Tip: Customize the Page Title
This is a good tip for database backed sites for search engine optimization.
Creating Drop Down Menus
It's inevitable, not long after you created your first site, you dabbled (or will dabble) with drop down menus. They look slick, most of the big sites have them, and they're very effective at organizing sites with more than 10-15 pages.
GetHTML Tags
A GetHTML tag is always replaced by some HTML. You can put these into Content of a page, a Framework, or a Custom Template.

See Also:
Online Documentation Home, Online Documentation, Creating Invisible Gold Powered Websites