Online Strategies

Online Strategies
Wow, it's February already. The big news this month is Invisible Gold 2.9 is out. It's a great step forward. And, all of the sites running on 2.8 qualify for the free upgrade. Let us know if you have any questions.

We also just switched to 100% Wind Powered Hosting, and Online Support Classes are going well. We had two in January and already one scheduled for February. Let us know if there are others you'd like to see.

Finally, there is a new article about marketing plans: A View from 10,000 Feet; Your Business in 2006

As always, I hope this newsletter finds you well.

John Waiveris,
Invisible Gold, LLC.

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100% Wind Powered Hosting
100% Wind Powered Hosting
Working to protect the environment is about more than just a catchy marketing message or half hearted attempt at reduci

This is a schedule of telephone and online classes. For more information or to ask that we cover a specific topic, ple
