261 Broad Street
Windsor, CT 06095
(860) 285-0172

Your Website Should Be Easy to Edit


We want your experience with Invisible Gold to be as enjoyable as possible. If you don't find anything that answers your question, please contact us and we will do our best to help.

URL List
URL List - The URL List template is used to show a list of links to other sites. It looks and acts very similar to a Static List and Download List template. However, each URL section you create also has a URL and Link Text. For example: URL: http://www.invisi... (11/23/2005)
Payment Options
Payment Options - Invisible Gold makes it easy to manage an on-line store, but there are a few things to decide before you start selling. First, you need to understand that there are a lot of different ways to sell on-line. Some people sell on Ebay. Others put up pages ... (9/25/2003)
Banner Ads
Banner Ads - The Invisible Gold Banner Ad system is designed for advanced users to integrate in large scale websites for use in online advertising campains (selling ads for certain sections of your site, etc.) It also stores ads so clients can pay for a certain num... (11/14/2005)
GetHTML Tags - A GetHTML tag is always replaced by some HTML. You can put these into Content of a page, a Framework, or a Custom Template.
A GetHTML tag is replaced by HTML in the web browser. You can put these into Content, Framework, and Custom Templates. ... (11/14/2005)
Create a New Invisible Gold powered site by hand.
Create a New Invisible Gold powered site by hand. - Even if you prefer to use the Wizard, it makes sense to understand what steps are being done to configure a new Invisible Gold site. Note: Even before you can create the site, you need a Windows 2000 or 2003 Server that can run ASP and a version of Invis... (12/6/2005)
Hosting Invisible Gold Powered Websites
Hosting Invisible Gold Powered Websites - Invisible Gold is a content management system that runs on a Windows 2000 or 2003 server. It requires both IIS and ASP to host sites. Content is loaded primarily through the web browser.... (11/14/2005)
Moving Pages
Moving Pages - The Move button can be used to move a page from one area of your website to another. Note: You must be logged in and have rights to Edit the page to be moved and Create Children for the page it is to be moved under. Start by navigating to the page you... (11/14/2005)
Static List
Static List - The Static List template is one of the workhorses of Invisible Gold powered sites. (for example, most of the pages in the help section use it.) It works like other templates - there is an image at the top along with text and title. Then it shows every ... (11/23/2005)
Template Library
Template Library - Every page in an Invisible Gold powered website is based on a page template. An Inivsible Gold template is a page layout with its own set of tools or features. When you click "New" to create a new page anywhere in your site, the Select Template page give... (11/14/2005)