Custom Designed Websites

Invisible Gold websites are different. We developed a proprietary system that enables you to edit your own website. It's more than that, however - it's a unique process that separates a website into three distinct areas that can be developed and updated independently: Graphic Design, Content, and Functionality

This means you start out with a professional looking website with custom graphics, layout, and content. It stays current because it's easy for you to update the content as often as you like using nothing more than a web browser.

When it is time for a fresh look, we can update the graphics for far less time and cost than a traditional site. The functionality works the same way. It can be easily updated to a new version to add new features and enhancements.

Project Phases

You should plan for your website to take 3-8 weeks to go from an initial design to a live site. The project starts with an in depth needs assessment meeting. Once the project goals are identified, it transitions to graphical mockups. When the design is complete, we take it live on a development server (hidden from public) and start pouring in content. In the last phase we run a checklist of tests to verify that it is ready to go live.

Please understand that each project is unique and different things can impact the scope and timeline. We may need to make adjustments for projects that change significantly.

Project Phases

1. Graphic Design Phase

1. Graphic Design Phase
The design phase is fun. Here the focus is on choosing colors, and fonts, and a navigational structure for the site.

We'll ask a series of question, then present up to three mockup designs for your review. The process will repeat 1-3 times until you approve a design for implementation.

At this point we'll take the design and turn it into an empty but working website on a production server (hidden from the public).

2. Content Creation

2. Content Creation
At the next stage, we'll help you determine what information is available and what should be included on the site. You should start creating pages, learn to use the system, and ready the site to go live.

If your project involves a writer or photographer, they'll start putting in content for review so you can evaluate how it flows and show it to trusted colleagues.

3. Functionality

3. Functionality
The final stage is to test the site and explore the features before it goes live. Some websites also include custom functionality that would be developed at this stage.

The next two pages describe some of these features.