Online Strategies - May 2005

April showers bring May flowers so we must be in for a great spring.

Have you heard about blogs? They are the latest craze on the Internet. This month's article Blogs, Advertising, and the Stranger on the Bus talks about how the media is flipping from a nation of consumers to a world of producers.

Also, Invisible Gold 2.7, is due out later this month with several bug fixes and great enhancements such as a new blog template and a RSS feed template (for loading news streams from other websites).

As always, I hope this email finds you well. John Waiveris Invisible Gold, LLC.

PS: If you'd rather not receive these monthly mailings, please scroll to the bottom and hit unsubscribe.

Blogs, Advertising, and the Stranger on the Bus - Have you heard about blogs yet? Just kidding, they're just the latest craze on the Internet. They played a role in the last presidential election and just this month, Newsweek is publishing a great article as their cover story (May 2nd).

Invisible Gold Relases 2.7 - Several new enhancements such as a new blog template and the ability to load RSS news feeds from other websites.

click for more news...

2.51 - We built the site and everything seems perfect but the images don't show up.
Help! My new site's banner doesn't show up on my client's computer. (but everything seems right)
How to delete a Windows Service.
I am having trouble understanding the traffic logs on my IG powered site.
I can log into the new website, but when I edit pages the changes aren't saved.
I moved a site from a virtual directory to a new domain...but the images in RichEdit pages don't show up.
I want a page in my site to automatically jump to a page on another site.
My site already does reasonably well in the search engines. Do you offer a service to make it even better?
We set up a new computer using XP and when we went to take the mail list off the website to convert to excel files it requested a certificate number.

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