Online Strategies

Winter is almost over (though we're currently in the middle of a snow storm so we'll see). Regardless, I hope you are getting excited for spring.

It's a good time to think about traveling, so this month's article, Zen and the Art of Website (Technology) Maintenance, includes several great quotes about technology and was inspired by Robert Pirsig's classic book.

As always, I hope this email finds you well.
John Waiveris
Invisible Gold, LLC.

PS: If you'd rather not receive these monthly mailings, please scroll to the bottom and hit unsubscribe.

Let's All Plan To Have a Fun Year - Are you with me? Most of us run a small business, and well, some months aren't as fun as the others. Right now it's flu season and time for cold fingers. Just going outside can be tough.
Zen and the Art of Website (Technology) Maintenance - 40 years ago, a motorcycle was a relatively simple machine. Things are more complicated and change faster today. You need a computer to work on your car, an expert to tune up your computer, and a hacker to make your digital camera work.

Invisible Gold Releases 2.52 - A Major Update To Award Winning Website Software - December 15th, 2004 (Windsor, CT) - Invisible Gold, a Connecticut-based company specializing in easily edited content management for small business websites, released an updated version...
Mutual Housing Association of Greater Hartford, Inc. Unveils a Website AND a Matching Painting - March 1st, 2005 (Hartford, CT) - Mutual Housing Association of Greater Hartford, Inc. is a non-profit real estate development company that helps people establish a sense of community with an affordable alternative to traditional home ownership.

What is Invisible Gold 2.53, and when was it released?
What's the difference between Guest Preview and Preview?
I have a page of website links. How do I make the text "jump" to the websites?
I moved an Invisible Gold powered site to a new server, and now it reads "You must have Invisible Gold 2.42 installed"