Online Strategies

Summer is here and the bicycles are out. This month, Lance is set to try for a final Tour De France victory. His amazing story helped inspire this month's article, "It's Not About The Bike - Supporting Modern Day Heroes".

Also, Invisible Gold continues to grow and evolve. This month we started running online training sessions and we're continuing to improve the product. Contact Us if you'd like to sign up for a future online class.

As always, I hope this newsletter finds you well.
-John Waiveris
Invisible Gold, LLC

PS: I hope you enjoy receiving this monthly newsletter. If not, please scroll down and click the unsubscribe link.

Blogs, Advertising, and the Stranger on the Bus - Have you heard about blogs yet? Just kidding, they're just the latest craze on the Internet. They played a role in the last presidential election and just this month, Newsweek is publishing a great article as their cover story (May 2nd).
It's Not About the Bike - Supporting Modern Day Heroes - Pop Quiz: What do Greg Lemond and Lance Armstrong have in common? Answer: They are the only two Americans to win the Tour De France. Extra Credit: They both recovered from near fatal setbacks to achieve international success.

Invisible Gold Relases 2.7 - Several new enhancements such as a new blog template and the ability to load RSS news feeds from other websites.

A page has a giant calendar at the bottom that I can't delete
Can you set up an IG website with a static splash screen?
Double quotes in addresses are causing my mailing list import to fail:
Email trouble:
How do frameworks inherit?
How do I create a template that can be used by the system?
How do I embed a FLASH animation in a site template?
How do I make a homepage that is different from the rest of the site?
How do I make a splash screen?
How do you set taxability for individual items in the cart? Can't see anything.
I can't get an SSL site to work.
Is there a way to do expandable pull down menus with IG?
Mailing list import failed with an XML error
New Site Load Problem: getting error on login screen that says password or login is incorrect
Questions about creating a nav bar.
The documentation that is available ...
The end-user of our sites are often less than "power" users....
Upgraded to 2.8 and Administrator Order emails Stopped Coming
Website images don't show up after moving from a virtual directory to a full site.
What is the flexibility of the main template?
What options do I have for ID="" in a gethtml tag?
Classes - The following materials are provided for online classes.