Online Strategies - April 2005
Everything seems to come together in early Spring. It's time to clean up the yards and enjoy the wonderful weather as nature starts the cycle over again.
This past month I had a photography exhibit which inspired the new article, Art As Marketing.
It also brought the latest release, Invisible Gold 2.6, which will enable more frequent website upgrades and improved email and order processing.
As always, I hope this email finds you well. John Waiveris Invisible Gold, LLC.
PS: If you'd rather not receive these monthly mailings, please scroll to the bottom and hit unsubscribe.

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Art As Marketing - What is Art today? Barely 100 years ago, Marcel Duchamp shocked the world with "ready-made" art such as a bicycle wheel bolted to a stool or a snow shovel labeled "In advanced of the broken arm". Today things are different. We live in an era of images. Instead of hiring a painter, we can buy a print from Ikea for less than $6. |
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Zen and the Art of Website (Technology) Maintenance - 40 years ago, a motorcycle was a relatively simple machine. Things are more complicated and change faster today. You need a computer to work on your car, an expert to tune up your computer, and a hacker to make your digital camera work. AND, all three of these will be "obsolete" two summers from now. Old rules don't apply so we're at risk of getting stranded. |
