September 1st, 2007 - Invisible Gold Released 3.0

September 1st, 2007 - Invisible Gold Released 3.0
September 1st, 2007 - Windsor, CT - Invisible Gold released version 3.0 of their award winning website content management system. This is the first release of the year and includes many improvements to increase security and lay the foundation for upcoming features.

Key features in this release:
1) Newsletter Improvements: Avoid Bounces/Spam Filters *
2) Improved Tracking: Most Popular Page, Referring Site, Search Phrase
3) No More Annoying "Form Bot" Spam
4) Faster Uploading: Now Supports Macintosh

5) Flash Banner Ads
6) Update Multiple Product Prices In One Click *
7) PayPal Pro Gateway: Accept Credit Cards

8) Server-Wide Email Settings
9) Hosting "Command Center" Tracks Multiple Sites/Servers On One Screen
10) System Security Audit: Locked Down Against Hijacking, XSS, and Other Security/Privacy Concerns

* Some features require customization for your site

For a more detailed list, please visit the product history page