Entrepreneurs Develop Chamber of Commerce Websites

Entrepreneurs Develop Chamber of Commerce Websites
WINDSOR, CT, June 13, 2005 Two Windsor entrepreneurs have joined forces to offer advanced website services to the business community, and specifically to Chambers of Commerce. A website created by Hosting Connecticut, LLC website development using Invisible Gold, LLC website software offers the height of creative, user-friendly design together with the ability to quickly and easily maintain the site.

The Windsor Chamber of Commerce made it all happen. "We were both vying for the same job, that of redesigning and maintaining the Windsor Chamber of Commerce website," Paula Pierce, owner of Hosting Connecticut," said. When the Chamber decided they wanted the best of both worlds they hired both companies with the understanding that we would find a way to work together to make the Chamber's site a professional, user-friendly information center for local businesses and residents that Chamber staff could update themselves. It was just the motivation they needed to find a way to integrate their systems.

"Our two systems of developing websites were like oil and water," said Pierce. They just could not work together due to technical specifications. With some hard work and perseverance they came up with a system that works well and provides website owners with a flexible website that they can maintain with no technical knowledge.

The two companies have since begun a marketing campaign specifically for Chambers of Commerce. "It just makes sense," "Waiveris says, "Chambers typically need to update their websites very frequently; sometimes on a daily basis. With the system we developed, we make it very easy for them and still give them a highly developed, custom designed site. Several more Chambers have already signed on to have their websites updated and revamped using their easy-to-use system.
Hamden CT is preparing for launch, and the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce headquarters is reviewing the program now.

An updated website is ranked favorably by the search engines. With this system, site owners can update, change, add pages to, and otherwise maintain their websites on a daily basis if desired without any programming skills at all. The built in calendar of events and member directory are highly sought after portions of site design and can end up being costly to maintain using other database methods.