December 15th, 2005 - Windsor, CT - Invisible Gold, LLC. Announces Version 2.9 of Their Editable Website Software.

December 15th, 2005 - Windsor, CT - Invisible Gold, LLC. Announces Version 2.9 of Their Editable Website Software.
Just in time for an end of year release, Invisible Gold's new version includes a fully integrated help system, and many great new enhancements.

Although a final list of features hasn't been released yet, this new version addresses several common sources of confusion such as email reliability, newsletters, credit card processing, and backups.

"We wanted this release to be about refining an already popular product. Starting off by writing 300 pages of documentation certainly helped us look at it from a different perspective." - John Waiveris, President of Invisible Gold, LLC.

Increased System Reliability

"Website reliability has as much to do with human errors as simply fixing bugs." - John Waiveris. Along with integrating the new online documentation right into product, the new version also includes several features and enhancements to make easier to use.

It also benefits from a much longer test cycle. "Back when we had monthly releases, a new version was lucky to get 2-4 weeks of testing. This one has been in beta-testing (by university students) for almost three months." - John Waiveris.

Improved Caching and System Performance.

Hosts have been thrilled by the new caching feature introduced in 2.8. "Caching has enabled us to run more sites with lower hardware requirements." Ken Kaprielian, Litchfield Web Services. Caching can make a site run up to 60 times as fast.

"Once we got the traffic under control, we noticed predictable spikes in performance" - Ken Kaprielian. "There is one around midnight as sites process credit card orders. There are others when email newsletters get sent, and users use the search feature."

Invisible Gold 2.9 smoothes out performance spikes by distributing tasks throughout the day. System backups, email newsletters, and credit card processing are scheduled to not overlap, and more importantly, not impact other sites on the same machine. Other features were enhanced to better utilize caching.

About Invisible Gold

Invisible Gold offers cutting edge technology to the small business budget. Using nothing more than a web browser, businesses can create and edit pages easily, share photos, keep an online calendar, sell products and more. Invisible Gold brings the features of expensive Content Management Systems to the small business and individual user. For more information, contact John Waiveris at (860) 285-0172 or