Invisible Gold Relases 2.7

Invisible Gold Relases 2.7
May 1st 2005 - Windsor, CT - Invisible Gold 2.7 is due to be released in early May. This is part of our now monthly product updates. Hosts and website designers will be able to upgrade client sites to the latest version once it is available.

Key features in this new release include:
-Installer is much improved
-Email capacity greatly improved
-New batch processing of orders (batch processing of credit cards at midnight)
-SSL warning message fixed (for RichEdit template)
-Test.asp page better detects website installation issues
-Illegal characters are harder to get into the database (and thus don't show up as boxes in email messages)
-New AOL compliant unsubscribe link on email newsletters
-Images are no longer scaled up for slideshows, etc. (old bug)
-IG Wiz improved
-RSS feed template loads news feeds directly from outside websites
-New Blog template
-Improvements for mailing list imports
-Improvement that enables websites to go from dev server to production without any link changes
-"New Menu" option in drop down menus
-New "myaccount.htm" option so you can create a custom page for users when they log in.