Learn Marketing From An Old Fisherman

Learn Marketing From An Old Fisherman
Spend time in a boat with an old fisherman and you are bound to get some advice. Growing up near Windsor, I got my share on the Farmington. The cool thing is that alot of it applies to business. The parallels are yours to draw:

"There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot."
- Steven Wright

Listen to Results, not just "fish tales"

Your business needs clients; but marketing isn't about casting your line into the water. It's about doing the right things to bring home a cooler full of fish. Don't just buy a newfangled lure and expect it to work. Do your own research and learn to think like a fish.

Cast several lines into the water

When something works; do more of it. There was an old pro in town that would catch twice as much as other people in the same boat. He would start out by using several lines each with a different rig. Once something started to pickup, he'd do more of it. If things slowed down, he'd start experimenting again.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him
how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all
day." - Author Unknown

Go where the fish are

Shad and people have natural cycles. Another fisherman parks his boat in Windsor in the early spring and makes his way South as the Shad head back to the ocean. There's no sense fishing when the fish have gone somewhere else.

Know what you're fishing for

This is all about integrity. This same fisherman taught me that you don't have to reel in everything that bites on your line. If it's too small, throw it back. "It'll be big next year." If you have something that really pulls the boat around, cut the line before you get hopelessly tangled in the prop. It's probably a Sturgeon (endangered) anyway.

"If people concentrated on the really important things in life,
there'd be a shortage of fishing poles." - Doug Larson

Have a system lined up

When things get busy, you need to be able to pull that net out from under the seat. In fishing and life, things can get hectic. Nets break, props fall off, etc. You don't want to be out on the ocean without a radio or oars when the boat breaks.

Invest in tools of the trade and maintain them

It doesn't matter what size boat you have - just as long as you offer something the fish want. The Bass don't care if it's a bubble gum lure or a wad of bubble gum on the line. On the other hand, take care of your boat - if it's in dry dock, you're not on the water.

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing
that it is not fish they are after." - Henry David Thoreau

Finally, take care of yourself and the river

A healthy river is more enjoyable and has better fish. Pack a lunch and a comfortable cushion and plan for a long day. Enjoying fishing is more than just the "reeling in" part.