Losing half of my income was nothing compared to doubling my free time. Amazingly, I ended up saving money in the long run. It was the little things that made a difference - going to the library, cooking dinner, driving a cheap car, and enjoying "real fun" not just buying things. "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." - Carl Sandburg (Try reading his "Rootabaga Stories" or "Wedding Procession of the Rag Doll" to your kids at night.) |
As a country we spend more money on advertising than on education. Even scarier, is that many kids spend more time watching television than in school! Is there any wonder we have self esteem issues? Try taking a holiday from this bad influence. You may be surprised. "A drug ad denies your ability to cope with internal processes: feelings, moods, anxieties. It encourages the belief that personal or traditional ways of dealing with these - friends, family, community, or patiently awaiting the next turn in life's cycle - will not succeed in your case." - ibid - Jerry Mander |
The cult classic, Caddyshack, was just a low budget comedy, but then the cast filled up with Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield (all early in their careers). The director literally just let the cameras roll and many of the scenes were adlibbed and shot in one or a couple of takes. It's frequently considered one of the top ten movies of all time. "So we finish eighteen and he's gonna stiff me. So I say, "Hey Llama, hey! How about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know?" And he says, "Oh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your death bed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that going for me..." - Bill Murray (in Caddyshack) |
"The daily action is fifteen minutes of a focused activity performed every day at the same time of day. Choose an activity that creates an empty space where your creativity can reassert itself. Let the action be solitary and process oriented. You are giving yourself fifteen minutes of emptiness within the blur of living." - Creating a Life Worth Living (page 4) - Carol Lloyd |
Many sports also include an aspect where you need to clear your mind and be in "the moment". Quieting your mind or facing fears can be wonderful for putting everything into perspective. Forget the health benefits. Doesn't it make sense to make exercise part of your life? "...the biggest breakthrough occurred when I realized that almost all the mental skills and strategies I learned through climbing could be applied to other areas in my life" - Mental Training: Six Fixes to Increase Performance - Eric J. Horst |
"When I'm in the support group and somebody new comes in and says, "I know this is going to sound crazy," I know what they're going to say, and that is: "I'm glad I have cancer." I've heard this at least thirty-five times over the years. The reason we say this is because it has turned our lives around, it has made us see what is worth while in life and what is crock, what is not worth worrying about or being angry about. The first time somebody said this, I felt as though she had poured holy water on me." - What Dying People Want (page 18) - David Kuhl, M. D. "If I had my life to live over I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage." - IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER - Erma Bombeck (in a funny poem written after she learned she was dying from cancer) |
John Waiveris writes about Business and Online Marketing for Invisible Gold, LLC. For more information call 860-285-0172 or visit www.invisiblegold.com "Your Website Should Be Easy To Edit" |