How many times?
At the end, you'll see which page loaded faster on average.
Load multiple pages, one after another. The side that finishes fastest wins!
Left side URLs | Right side URLs |
In the box below is a sharing link for each matchup you've tried. Beneath the link is the data for that matchup in CSV format.
Pages compete head-to-head in your browser to see who's fastest!
Try one of these epic matchups to get started:
It looks like one of the websites you're trying to load does not want their content to be displayed inside an iframe, and is actively trying to bust itself out.
Because of this, it's going to be hard to get an accurate comparison. Please either speak to the authors of the website or try a different matchup.
Copy this URL to share this test with someone else:
See why these pages are fast or slow using GTmetrix, a free service that examines your site and gives recommendations for how to make it faster.
...or you can run the tests yourself on Firefox by installing Yahoo!'s YSlow or Google's Page Speed tools. is a community tool
for testing and comparing sites using donated locations across the world. You
can even create a video of multiple sites loading side-by-side. lets you share and compare
YSlow and
Page Speed results and
even schedule automated tests of your own site.
Select serial mode to load one side at a time to eliminate the possibility that the two sides will interfere with each other.
whichloadsfaster is a fun way to spread the word that web performance matters. It's about friendly competition and about testing in everybody's browser, not just ones that have nice performance tools already.
whichloadsfaster is open source, written in HTML and JavaScript and runs entirely on the client-side. You can host the files on your own site and tweak them to suit your own nefarious plans. We promise not to tell.
whichloadsfaster was conceived and written by Ryan Witt and supported by his employer, FastSoft Inc.
Questions, bug reports and ideas happen on the mailing list.